Unexpected Tow Truck Service for My New Lucid: A Breakdown Story

Last night was quite unexpected. Around 7 pm, as I was reversing my brand-new ’24 Pure from my driveway, which was plowed but still snowy, a “Drive System Fault” error flashed on the car’s screen. Immediately, my Lucid refused to shift out of park. I attempted a screen reset, hoping for a quick fix, but unfortunately, nothing changed. It was clear I needed help, and quickly. My first thought was to call Lucid support, which thankfully, they answered promptly. After taking down all the necessary information, they efficiently organized a Tow Truck Service for me.

While waiting for the tow truck, I decided to let the car sit for about half an hour. To my surprise, upon returning, the car was able to engage drive and reverse, although the orange warning triangle remained stubbornly lit. I immediately called Lucid support back to update them. Considering the car was now technically mobile, I asked if the tow truck service was still necessary. They firmly advised that yes, for safety reasons, the tow truck service should proceed. Their policy is to not take any chances when that error message appears, which I appreciated.

Shortly after, I received a call from the service manager at Lucid Montreal. He was already aware of the service ticket and assured me he would look into it first thing in the morning. He was professional and courteous, which was reassuring. I brought up the need for a loaner car for the next day. He confirmed it wouldn’t be a problem, as long as I could pick it up. This presented a slight issue as I live about an hour outside of the city, quite deep in the woods, with no second car available to get to the service center without my Lucid. He mentioned that delivering the loaner or towing my car back to me wasn’t permitted, which we agreed to discuss further later.

The tow truck service itself took a little while to arrive, and loading the Lucid onto the flatbed was a bit tricky. The combination of the snow and the car’s low ground clearance made it a delicate operation. It was the first time I’ve ever needed a tow truck service for any of my vehicles, and I’ve owned quite a few over the years.

While experiencing a car issue, especially with a relatively new vehicle, can be frustrating, I understand that machines can have problems. In the grand scheme of things, needing a tow truck service is a minor inconvenience. My primary concern now is how Lucid handles this situation, particularly regarding the loaner car logistics. During the purchase, the salesman emphasized that even though I lived some distance from the service center, I would be well taken care of. I am keen to see if this promise holds true. I will continue to update this thread as the situation progresses.


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