Texas Gas Services: Ensuring Safe and Affordable Natural Gas for Texans

The Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) plays a vital role in overseeing the safety and affordability of natural gas services for Texans. The RRC’s Oversight and Safety Division regulates various aspects of the natural gas industry, including pipeline safety, alternative fuels, and gas services. This consolidated approach ensures efficient and consistent operations, ultimately benefiting Texas consumers.

Established in 1995, the Gas Services Department within the RRC reflects the growing importance of natural gas in Texas. The department works to leverage the state’s abundant natural gas reserves while ensuring a safe and reliable supply for consumers at reasonable prices.

The RRC’s jurisdiction over gas rates varies depending on location. Within city limits, gas utilities must first apply to the city government for rate changes. If disagreements arise between the city and the utility, either party can appeal to the RRC for a final decision. However, in unincorporated areas, the RRC has exclusive jurisdiction over gas rates and services, directly protecting consumers. The RRC also sets “city gate” rates, which are the prices charged by suppliers to city distribution systems.

Beyond rate regulation, the Gas Services Department focuses on several key areas. These include analyzing regulatory policy, resolving natural gas transportation issues, and overseeing intrastate natural gas gathering and storage operations. This comprehensive approach ensures the continued safe and efficient delivery of natural gas to Texas homes and businesses.

The RRC’s commitment to efficient regulation and consumer protection ensures the ongoing viability and affordability of natural gas in Texas. Through its diverse responsibilities, the RRC promotes the responsible use of this valuable resource, contributing to the state’s energy security and economic growth. For further information, consult the RRC’s website for details on the Oversight and Safety Division.


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