Metronet Customer Service: How to File a Complaint or Share Feedback

Metronet values customer feedback, both positive and negative. Your comments help improve services and address concerns. This guide outlines how to contact Metronet Customer Service to file a complaint or share a commendation.

How to Contact Metronet Customer Service

Metronet offers multiple channels for submitting feedback:

  • Phone or TDD: Contact Metronet directly using the phone numbers listed on their website. This allows for immediate assistance and clarification.
  • Fax: Send a fax to 213.922.6988 for documentation of your complaint or comment.
  • Online Form: Utilize the convenient online customer comment form for a streamlined submission process. This allows for detailed explanations and attachments if needed.
  • Email: Send an email to [email protected]. Remember to include specific details regarding your experience.
  • Mail: Submit a formal letter to Metronet’s customer service department. Be sure to include your contact information for a response.
  • In-Person: Visit a Metronet office location to speak with a representative directly. Find locations on the Metronet website.

Complaint Review Process

All submitted feedback is reviewed by the Customer Relations department and logged into a database for tracking and follow-up. Complaints related to accessibility or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) undergo an additional review by the ADA Compliance staff within the Civil Rights Programs Compliance Department. Separate procedures apply for filing formal Civil Rights complaints, requiring a specific form available on the Metronet website.

ADA-Related Complaints

For ADA-related concerns, you’ll receive a confirmation and tracking number within five business days. If you haven’t received this confirmation within five days, contact the Civil Rights Program Compliance Department at 213.922.7375. A written response addressing your complaint will be provided within ninety days of submission. While most investigations are completed sooner, complex issues may require additional time.

Complaint Investigation and Resolution

The relevant Metronet departments investigate all complaints and take appropriate corrective action. ADA and accessibility complaints receive a secondary review by the ADA Compliance staff after the initial investigation. This ensures thoroughness and adherence to Metronet’s policies.

Importance of Customer Feedback

Whether you’re reporting a service issue or sharing a positive experience, your feedback is valuable to Metronet. It allows them to monitor performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure customer satisfaction. Your input contributes to making Metronet a better transportation system. Contact Metronet customer service today to share your feedback.


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