Navigating student loans can be complex, and understanding your Loan Services is crucial for effective management and repayment. At the State University of New York (SUNY) Student Loan Service Center (SLSC), borrowers receive dedicated support for specific types of educational loans. This article clarifies the services offered by SUNY SLSC and provides essential information for borrowers, particularly concerning interest reporting, repayment options, and loan-specific details.
Interest Reporting and Your Loan Account
For tax purposes, it’s important to accurately report the interest paid on your student loans. SUNY’s Federal ID for Student Loan Interest Reporting is 16-1514621. If you receive monthly billing statements, the total interest paid during 2024 will be detailed on your February and March 2025 statements. For borrowers utilizing monthly ACH payments or those who fully paid off their accounts in 2024, this interest information is available within your online account. Keep an eye out for Form 1098-E if you paid $600 or more in interest during 2024; this form will be issued by January 31, 2025.
Federal Direct Loan Services
It’s important to distinguish between loans serviced by SUNY SLSC and those managed directly by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). If you possess a Federal Direct Loan, the DOE is your primary servicer. For comprehensive repayment information and to manage your federal loans, please click here to visit the official student aid website.
Loan Consolidation Options
Did you know you might be able to simplify your loan repayment by consolidating certain loans? If you have a Federal Perkins Loan, Health Professions Loan, or Nursing Student Loan, you may be eligible to consolidate these into a Federal Direct Loan, which is serviced by the DOE. To explore the benefits of consolidation and learn more, click here for detailed student loan consolidation information on the DOE website.
Understanding Your Perkins Loan Services
SUNY SLSC directly services Federal Perkins Loans received from the State University of New York (SUNY). It’s vital to understand that Perkins Loans were not included in the recent federal student loan relief measures, such as the 0% interest rate pause or the proposed Student Loan Debt Relief program.
Key points for Perkins Loan borrowers:
- Interest Accrual: Your Perkins Loan continues to accrue interest at a rate of 5%, as stipulated in your promissory note.
- No Federal Income-Driven Repayment (IDR): Unlike Federal Direct Loans managed by the DOE, the Perkins Loan program does not offer federal income-driven repayment plans.
- SAVE Program Ineligibility: Perkins Loan borrowers are not eligible for the benefits of the SAVE program, which is a repayment plan specifically for federal Direct Loans.
Perkins Loan Cancellation, Deferment, and Forbearance
Despite not being part of federal relief programs, Perkins Loans offer unique benefits:
- Loan Cancellation: You may be eligible for Perkins Loan cancellation based on full-time service in specific public service fields. Check the Borrowers section of the SUNY SLSC website under “Perkins Loan Deferment, Cancellation and Forbearance Forms” for eligibility criteria and forms.
- Deferment: Deferment, which allows for a temporary postponement of payments, is available under specific qualifying circumstances such as economic hardship or unemployment. You can find deferment request forms on the SUNY SLSC website. Eligible borrowers can receive a maximum of 3 years each for Unemployment Deferment and Economic Hardship Deferment throughout their repayment period.
- Forbearance: Forbearance is also an option to temporarily postpone payments; however, it’s important to note that interest continues to accrue during forbearance periods. The total duration of forbearance is limited.
Completed Deferment and Forbearance Requests can be conveniently emailed to SUNY SLSC at [email protected]. Borrowers should carefully track their remaining deferment and forbearance eligibility.
Health Professions and Nursing Student Loan Updates
For borrowers with Health Professions Loans and Nursing Student Loans, it’s important to be aware that the Health Resources Service Administration’s (HRSA) COVID-19 relief policy has concluded. Key updates include:
- End of 0% Interest: The 0% interest period ended on August 31, 2023.
- Repayment Resumption: Repayment for these loans resumed on October 1, 2023.
For complete details regarding the terms and conditions of HRSA’s COVID-19 student loan borrower relief, please visit
Understanding the specific loan services available to you is key to managing your student loans effectively. Whether you have a Perkins Loan, a Health Professions Loan, a Nursing Student Loan, or a Federal Direct Loan, knowing where to find information and assistance ensures a smoother repayment journey. SUNY SLSC and the U.S. Department of Education are valuable resources to help you navigate your loan responsibilities.