Dealing with auto loan servicing should be a straightforward process, especially when unforeseen circumstances arise. However, for one customer of Global Lending Service, the reality was far from smooth. This review delves into a deeply negative experience, highlighting critical failures in customer service and communication following a car theft. This account serves as a cautionary tale for those considering global lending service for their auto financing needs.
The ordeal began when the customer’s car was stolen. What followed was described as a month and a half of agonizing interactions with Global Lending Service, marked by a complete lack of assistance or empathy. The customer recounts speaking with approximately 30 different staff members, each seemingly offering conflicting information and exacerbating an already stressful situation. Even a customer service representative acknowledged the poor handling of the case by Global Lending Service, confirming the extent of the company’s shortcomings.
Communication appears to be a significant point of failure. The customer reports a complete absence of proactive communication from Global Lending Service. Attempts to reach out via the company’s designated email address were met with silence. Instead of facilitating resolution, the company allegedly erected barriers at every turn, compounding the difficulties faced by a customer who was already a victim of theft.
A particularly egregious aspect of the experience involved the handling of the stolen vehicle. Global Lending Service proceeded to take the car to auction even before the customer’s insurance company could retrieve it. Seeking to recover personal belongings, the customer contacted Global Lending Service to ascertain the car’s location. Initial inquiries were met with delays and a startling lack of information. One representative claimed not to have the car’s location, even though it had been taken a week prior, offering only to “make a note” for a future callback – a callback that never materialized. Simple questions about the car’s destination were met with defensiveness and continued stonewalling. It was only by escalating to a supervisor that the customer finally obtained the necessary details – information readily available but inexplicably withheld by frontline staff.
This incident underscores a recurring theme: the apparent lack of knowledge and preparedness among Global Lending Service employees. The customer expresses shock at the consistent inability of staff to access basic account information, leading to lengthy and unproductive phone calls. Each interaction became an exercise in frustration, with employees frequently exhibiting a dismissive and unhelpful attitude towards a customer already grappling with the trauma of car theft.
Adding to the chaos, the customer was once erroneously informed of a $1,700 “reinstatement fee,” only to be contradicted by subsequent representatives. When seeking an official account statement confirming the car was not repossessed due to non-payment (necessary for insurance purposes), Global Lending Service allegedly refused to provide it. Similarly, a request for a breakdown of the supposed $1,700 fee was met with an email stating the information could only be obtained via phone – another instance of needless obstruction.
The customer concludes by labeling Global Lending Service as potentially a “scam,” lamenting the abysmal level of service. Regret is expressed for not researching the lender prior to securing the car loan, acknowledging a vulnerability often exploited by such companies targeting individuals with lower credit scores. The review serves as a stark warning to prospective car buyers to meticulously investigate lenders before committing to financing, especially when dealing with companies like Global Lending Service. The mental and emotional toll inflicted on a crime victim, compounded by the appalling treatment from a company entrusted with their financial obligations, paints a damning picture of Global Lending Service and their operational practices.