FedLoan Servicing Now Servicing Direct Loans: What Borrowers Need to Know

The U.S. Department of Education is committed to ensuring federal student loan borrowers have access to high-quality loan servicing. In line with this commitment, Fedloan Servicing (PHEAA) has been selected as one of the federal loan servicers to manage William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program loans, commonly known as Direct Loans. This announcement, initially made on June 30, 2010, marked a significant step in expanding the network of servicers available to support Direct Loan borrowers.

This expansion began on June 30, 2010, when FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA) officially started servicing Direct Loans. Prior to this, the Direct Loan Servicing Center (ACS) and Nelnet were already managing Direct Loans. The addition of FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA) increased the capacity and support infrastructure for borrowers within the Direct Loan program. The Department of Education planned to further expand this network by including Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc. and Sallie Mae in the near future, announcements for which were expected to follow on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website.

A screenshot of the Loan Servicing Centers for Students page on the IFAP website, showing contact information for various loan servicers.

What Happens When Your Loan is Assigned to FedLoan Servicing?

When a Direct Loan is assigned to FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA), borrowers are promptly notified. This initial communication from FedLoan Servicing includes essential details about the newly assigned loan and provides clear instructions on how borrowers can get in touch with FedLoan Servicing for any inquiries or support they may need.

For borrowers or school officials seeking contact information for FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA), resources are readily available. The IFAP website hosts dedicated pages listing Loan Servicing Centers for Students and Loan Servicing Centers for Schools. These pages provide comprehensive contact details and support information.

A view of the Loan Servicing Centers for Schools page on the IFAP website, highlighting resources for educational institutions.

Identifying FedLoan Servicing in Loan Records

Beyond direct communication, FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA) is also identified as the servicer in the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). This system is a central database for federal student aid information. Both borrowers and educational institutions can access NSLDS to view the servicer assigned to each loan. This transparency ensures all parties are aware of who is managing the loan.

To easily identify FedLoan Servicing within NSLDS and other systems, unique codes are assigned. The NSLDS name for FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA) is “DEPT OF ED/FEDLOAN SERVICING (PHEAA)”. The Grant Awarding (GA) code is 579, and the Lender Servicer Code is 700579. These codes ensure accurate identification in various Department of Education systems.

Schools also have access to servicer information through the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) website. By navigating to the “Person” tab on the COD website and selecting “Servicer,” school officials can input either the Award ID or the student’s Social Security Number (SSN) to quickly find the servicer details for a specific loan.

Ongoing Support for Borrowers

The Department of Education emphasizes its commitment to supporting borrowers throughout their loan repayment journey. The expansion of federal loan servicers, including FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA), is a part of this effort. By working with a network of experienced servicers, the Department aims to provide efficient and effective support to all Direct Loan borrowers. Further announcements regarding additional servicers joining this network were expected to keep the community informed of ongoing developments in federal loan servicing.


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