El Paso Environmental Services: Keeping Our City Clean and Beautiful

The Environmental Services Department (ESD) of El Paso is dedicated to maintaining a clean and beautiful city for all its residents. ESD provides a comprehensive suite of services, ranging from waste management and recycling to air quality monitoring and vector control, all designed to enhance the quality of life in El Paso.

Convenient Citizen Collection Stations

For El Paso residents (excluding commercial businesses and contractors), ESD operates five convenient Citizen Collection Stations. These stations serve as drop-off points for regular household trash, household hazardous waste, and bulky items. Collected trash is efficiently transported to the Greater El Paso Landfill for proper disposal.

These stations offer more than just trash disposal; they are also valuable resources for recycling. Residents can drop off recyclables at these locations, borrow landscaping tools, and even access free paint, mulch, and gently used household products. It’s important to note that construction and demolition materials are not accepted at these stations.

View Stations & Info

Services for Disabled and Senior Citizens

El Paso ESD is committed to serving all residents, including senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. Eligible residents who meet specific requirements can access two special services:

  • Sidedoor Collection: Residents unable to bring waste bins to the curb due to disability can apply for Sidedoor Collection service. This ensures convenient waste removal directly from their property.
  • Senior/Disability Discount: Qualified senior citizens and disabled residents can apply for a Senior/Disability Discount on their environmental services bill, providing financial relief.

Greater El Paso Landfill Information

For residents who prefer to dispose of trash directly, the Greater El Paso Landfill is available. Commercial haulers are required to obtain a hauler permit to deliver loads to the landfill.

2600 Darrington Rd, Clint Tx. 79928

Operating Hours:

Monday – Saturday: 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

Prohibited Materials at the Landfill:

To ensure safety and environmental protection, the following materials are prohibited from disposal at the Greater El Paso Landfill:

  • Class 1 Industrial Waste
  • PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) – including items with electrical transformers, capacitors, and ballasts
  • Automotive products – such as gasoline, antifreeze, motor vehicle oil, used oil filters, and lead-acid batteries
  • Liquid Waste – any waste containing “free liquids” as determined by the Paint Filter Test
  • Regulated Hazardous Waste or radioactive materials
  • Regulated asbestos-containing materials

Generators of industrial, municipal, or oil/gas waste requiring special waste disposal authorization can request authorization for special waste disposal.

El Paso Environmental Services is committed to providing efficient and responsible environmental solutions for the community, ensuring a healthier and more beautiful El Paso for everyone.


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