Cal Water serves the Livermore community, providing reliable water services to residents and businesses. This guide offers essential information about Cal Water in Livermore, including contact details, resources for customers, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Cal Water Livermore Contact Information and Hours
While in-person service is not available at the Livermore office, customer service representatives are ready to assist you via phone or email.
Address: 195 South N Street Livermore, CA 94550
Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Contact: (925) 447-4900 (Main and After-Hours Contact) You can also reach out via email by visiting the Cal Water contact page. For payment options, please refer to the Cal Water Payment Options page.
District Manager: John Freeman
Recent Cal Water Infrastructure Improvements in Livermore
Cal Water is committed to ongoing infrastructure improvements in Livermore. Recent projects include:
Downtown Livermore Infrastructure Upgrade (April 2023): This project enhanced water supply reliability and fire protection in downtown Livermore through the installation of new pipelines and other system upgrades.
Livermore Infrastructure Project Updates (March 2024): Cal Water recently finished a project focusing on upgrading water infrastructure and improving water supply reliability and fire protection in Livermore. Details about the next improvement project are available on the Cal Water website.
About Cal Water’s Livermore District
Serving Livermore and Crane Ridge Mutual Water Company, Cal Water’s Livermore District was established in 1927 after acquiring the water system from Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The district serves approximately 17,900 customer connections in Livermore and 25 connections under a contract with Crane Ridge Mutual Water Company.
Cal Water utilizes a combination of local groundwater from 12 wells and surface water purchased from Alameda County Zone 7 Water Agency to meet the needs of Livermore and Crane Ridge Mutual customers. The primary source of water is snowmelt from the Sierra Nevada, conveyed through the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta and the South Bay Aqueduct.
Map of Cal Water Service Area in Livermore
Zone 7 also utilizes local rainwater stored in the Del Valle Reservoir and groundwater from the local aquifer. Water enters Cal Water’s distribution system through nine connections with Zone 7. Cal Water is dedicated to proactive maintenance and upgrades to ensure a reliable and high-quality water supply.
Cal Water Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Read My Bill?
Cal Water bills include an account summary, usage history graph, detailed charges, important messages, and meter information.
Key sections of your bill include your account number, billing date, contact information, customer messages, prior balance, payments received, current charges, total amount due, and billing address.
You’ll also find details on your service address, service dates, service charges, quantity charges, adjustments, fees, drought water budget, consumption history, meter reading information, and additional services.
What Payment Methods Does Cal Water Accept?
Cal Water accepts various payment methods including cash, check, money order, credit card, debit card, and bank account. Accepted payment methods may vary depending on location and method.
What is the Customer Assistance Program (CAP)?
The Customer Assistance Program (CAP) offers discounts to qualifying customers based on income guidelines. More information and application forms are available on the Cal Water CAP page.
What If My Bill Seems Higher Than Usual?
The Cal Water High Bills page provides information and suggestions for addressing unusually high water bills.
How Do I Turn Off My Water Supply in an Emergency?
You can typically shut off your water supply by turning off the house valve, usually located outside near a garden hose faucet. Contact your local Cal Water Customer Center if you need assistance locating your house valve.