Taxpayer Advocate Service: Your Voice at the IRS

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS dedicated to assisting taxpayers facing tax problems. TAS provides free assistance to individuals and businesses experiencing financial difficulty due to tax issues. This article outlines ten essential things taxpayers should know about this valuable resource.

Understanding the Taxpayer Advocate Service

The Taxpayer Advocate Service exists to be your voice within the IRS. It helps taxpayers navigate complex tax issues and resolve problems that haven’t been resolved through normal IRS channels. You may be eligible for TAS assistance if you’ve encountered an unresponsive IRS or believe an IRS procedure isn’t functioning correctly. Furthermore, TAS advocates work to ensure taxpayers are treated fairly and understand their rights.

Taxpayer Bill of Rights and TAS

The IRS Taxpayer Bill of Rights outlines ten fundamental rights every taxpayer has when interacting with the IRS. These rights encompass the right to be informed, quality service, pay only the correct tax amount, challenge the IRS’s position, appeal decisions, finality, privacy, confidentiality, representation, and a fair tax system. The TAS website provides detailed information on these rights and examples of their application in specific situations. Understanding these rights is crucial for navigating the tax system effectively.

Accessing TAS Assistance

If you qualify for TAS assistance, a dedicated advocate will be assigned to your case, providing personalized guidance throughout the process. This service is entirely free. TAS has local offices in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, ensuring accessibility for taxpayers nationwide. You can find contact information for your local TAS office in Publication 1546, online at, or by calling toll-free at 877-777-4778.

TAS Resources and Systemic Issues

Beyond individual casework, the TAS website offers valuable resources, including basic tax information, details on tax credits for individuals and businesses, and more. TAS also addresses systemic problems affecting multiple taxpayers. If you encounter a widespread issue within the IRS, you can report it through This helps TAS identify and address issues impacting the broader taxpayer population.

Taking Action with TAS

When facing a tax problem, taking action is crucial. Ignoring the issue can lead to further complications and financial hardship. The Taxpayer Advocate Service is available to provide support and guidance. Don’t hesitate to reach out to TAS if you need assistance navigating the complexities of the tax system. By leveraging the resources and expertise of TAS, taxpayers can effectively resolve their tax problems and ensure their rights are protected.


The Taxpayer Advocate Service provides a crucial safety net for taxpayers struggling with IRS issues. By understanding your rights, utilizing available resources, and seeking assistance when needed, you can navigate the tax system with confidence. Remember, the Taxpayer Advocate Service is your voice at the IRS, dedicated to helping you resolve your tax problems and ensuring a fair and just experience.


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