APS Customer Service: Reporting Abuse and Neglect in Texas

When it comes to protecting vulnerable adults in Texas, Adult Protective Services (APS) plays a crucial role. Understanding how to effectively utilize Aps Customer Service, specifically reporting suspected abuse or neglect, is vital. This guide provides essential information on contacting APS and the necessary details for filing a report.

Contacting APS: Emergency vs. Non-Emergency Situations

APS customer service offers various reporting channels, tailored to the urgency of the situation.

Emergency Situations: If you suspect immediate danger of abuse or neglect that could lead to death or serious harm, dial 911 or your local law enforcement immediately. This ensures a rapid response to address the imminent threat.

Non-Emergency Situations: For situations that do not pose an immediate life-threatening risk, you can contact APS through the following methods:

  • Texas Abuse Hotline: (800) 252-5400 This hotline is available 24/7 and is recommended when:

    • You believe intervention is needed within 24 hours.
    • You wish to report anonymously.
    • You lack complete information for a detailed online report.
    • You prefer not to receive an email confirmation of your report.
  • Relay Texas: 7-1-1 Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have speech disabilities can use Relay Texas. Inform the relay operator to connect you to the Texas Abuse Hotline at (800) 252-5400.

Information Needed for an APS Report

While you are not required to have definitive proof of abuse or neglect, gathering certain information can assist APS in their investigation. Helpful details to have on hand include:

  • Identifying Information: Names, ages, addresses, and phone numbers of the victim(s) and alleged perpetrator(s).
  • Relationship Details: Specify the relationship between the victim and alleged perpetrator, indicating whether the perpetrator is a paid or unpaid caregiver (e.g., family member).
  • Victim’s Condition: Describe the victim’s physical, medical, and mental condition, including any disabilities or limitations.
  • Daily Living Activities: Note which activities of daily living the victim requires assistance with (e.g., bathing, dressing, eating).

Remember, all reports are confidential and anonymous. Your responsibility is to report your suspicions; APS will conduct a thorough investigation.

Understanding Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

Various situations constitute abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of elderly or disabled adults.

  • Neglect: This involves the failure to provide necessary care, resulting in harm or risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Examples include withholding food, medication, or necessary medical care.

  • Abuse: This encompasses physical, emotional, or sexual harm inflicted upon a vulnerable adult. Signs can range from unexplained bruises to verbal threats and intimidation.

  • Financial Exploitation: This involves the illegal or improper use of a vulnerable adult’s funds or resources for personal gain. This can manifest as unauthorized withdrawals from bank accounts, forging signatures, or coercing the individual into signing financial documents.

By understanding the different forms of abuse and neglect, you can better identify potential situations requiring APS intervention.


Effective APS customer service begins with understanding how to report suspected abuse or neglect. Whether through the hotline or 911, your call can initiate a crucial process to protect vulnerable adults. Remember to gather as much relevant information as possible and trust that APS will handle your report with confidentiality and professionalism. By working together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals in our communities.


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