Weber Human Services: Accessing Senior Meal Programs in Weber & Morgan Counties

Weber Human Services plays a vital role in supporting seniors within Weber and Morgan counties, particularly through its comprehensive nutrition programs. During the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, these essential services adapted to ensure continued support for the senior community. While senior centers had to temporarily adjust their operations, Weber Human Services remained committed to providing nutritious meals to older adults.

Initially, in response to pandemic restrictions, all senior centers in Weber-Morgan suspended regular congregate meal services. Weber Human Services quickly implemented a “Pickup-to-Go” boxed lunch system at seven senior centers. This innovative approach allowed seniors aged 60 and older to safely access meals during regular lunch hours by reserving and picking up pre-packed lunches for a suggested donation. This ensured that seniors continued to receive vital nutritional support even when gathering in groups was not possible.

As of March 14, 2022, Weber Human Services was pleased to announce the resumption of congregate meals at all senior centers. The “Pickup-to-Go” meal service concluded on March 11, 2022, marking a return to in-person dining for seniors. This transition back to congregate meals signifies a step towards normalcy and the re-establishment of important social connections for seniors within these community hubs.

Weber Human Services’ dedication to expanding meal services during the pandemic is noteworthy. For more information on their achievements in increasing Meals-on-Wheels and Pickup Meals during this period, please refer to this document: MoWs Achievement.

Currently, Weber Human Services supports congregate meal stations at the following locations. Seniors are encouraged to reserve meals by calling the respective senior center directly.

Congregate Meal Stations:

  1. Roy Hillside Senior Center (5051 S. 2000 W. Roy) – Lunch Hours: 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Monday to Friday. Contact Kathy Prevedel at 801-773-0860.
  2. Washington Terrace Senior Center (4601 S. 300 W. Washington Terrace) – Lunch Hours: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Monday to Friday. Contact Karen Padilla at 801-621-0161.
  3. Northview Senior Center (485 East 2550 North, North Ogden) – Lunch Hours: 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Contact Jill Garner at 801-782-6211.
  4. Golden Hours Senior Center (650 25th Street, Ogden) – Lunch Hours: 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Monday to Friday. Contact Ginger at 801-399-5230 or 801-629-8863.
  5. Morgan Senior Center (50 West 100 North, Morgan) – Lunch Hours: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Contact Cissy Toone at 801-845-4040.
  6. Marriott-Slaterville City Senior Center (1570 West 400 North, Marriott-Slaterville) – Lunch Hours: 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Tuesday only. Contact Weber Human Services Nutrition at 399-8393.

Weber Human Services remains dedicated to providing valuable resources and support to the senior community in Weber and Morgan counties. Seniors are encouraged to utilize these meal programs and connect with their local senior centers for further assistance and community engagement opportunities.


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